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The future development direction of screw fastening automation machine!
Release date:2022-08-17 | Return

The screw tightening automation machine needs to go through a long process of understanding from unfamiliar to understanding. With the increase in demand, there is a high demand for screw tightening automation machines. It can be seen that its market development prospects are very broad. It is speculated that the two main development directions of screw tightening automation machines in the future are:

1. Development direction of independent brands

     Now the state encourages enterprises to own their own brands. The so-called "Made in China 2025" refers to the development overview of China's manufacturing industry (2015-2025), also known as China's Industry 4.0 plan.

     In other words, the "three-step" strategy of building China into a manufacturing powerhouse over the past three decades is the first ten-year action plan. Focus on key areas such as innovation-driven, intelligent transformation, solid foundation, green development, and talents, as well as advanced manufacturing, and high-end equipment in key areas such as "Made in China 2025" to propose major strategic tasks and policies to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and improve efficiency. . In the past two years, it has been more intense, and the market development situation is not very optimistic. Enterprises hope to gain a firm foothold in the screw fastening automation machine market as soon as possible. In the future, automation enterprises should not only occupy a leading position in technology and services, but also believe that brand image must become an important symbol of the strength of purchasing enterprises.

2. Widely used in more industries

   The advantage of the screw tightening automation machine is that it covers a wide range of fields, but now many companies have gradually abandoned this plan considering the high cost of initial investment. However, in the future, due to the popularity and progress of initiative, enterprises will have to choose screw fastening automation machines to meet the requirements of factory automation and adapt to the general trend of automation development. Simple design, simple process and simple operation are the best way to connect automatic technology to the universal factory. As long as everyone can get active products, China's active industries can develop better and better.

Guangdong Yuehe Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

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